
Introduction of Tuberculosis and Thoracic Tumor

  Tuberculosis and Thoracic Tumor is an internal special academic publication, sponsored by Beijing Tuberculosis and Thoracic Tumor Institute and Beijing Chest Hospital. Since founded in 1972, its definite aims are editing policies and reporting scopes. During this period, we have accumulated affluent experience, created upstanding reputation and shaped a rigorous academic style. Because of these reasons, the publication gained favorable social effects and was consented by her reader.

  Main content: Advanced achievement and experience about thoracic tumor and tuberculosis in research\prevention\medical treatment and teaching fields provided by every tuberculosis prevention and cure agencies\chest surgery and respiration medical department of general hospitals, and counterpart agencies from foreign.

  Emphasis item: special subject review, original paper, nursing, case report, lecture, symposium.

  Reader: clinical staffs and researchers who engage in tuberculosis and thoracic tumor, respiration physician.

  Source of papers: All kinds of TB prevention and cure agency, tumor department and respiratory department from comprehensive hospital, Beijing Tuberculosis and Thoracic Tumor Institute and Beijing Chest Hospital.

  Copyright @ 2019 China Anti-Cancer Association