






〉The Council Chairman
  〉Daiming Fan
〉Vice Presidents
  〉Qimin Zhan
  〉Jie He
  〉Xiaomao Guo
  〉Ruihua Xu
  〉Haozhe Piao
  〉Yongzhong Wu
  〉Wei Lu
  〉Ying Wang
  〉Jiangong Zhang
  〉Xiangdong Cheng
  〉Ziyu Li
  〉Hanping Shi
〉The General Secretary
  〉Yong Zhao  

The Council Chairman
Daiming Fan

Professor Daiming Fan is the President of China Anti-Cancer Association, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, International Member of the USA National Academy of Medicine, Foreign Associate of the French National Academy of Medicine, President of Asia Pacific Digestive Week Federation, and Director and Professor of Xijing Hospital of Digestive Diseases. He used to be the Vice President of Chinese Academy of Engineering and former President of Fourth Military Medical University.

He has a long-standing interest in both clinical and basic research of digestive diseases, and has been committed to the theoretical research and clinical practice of Holistic Integrative Medicine. He has obtained a lot of national grants, including National Hi-tech Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), and Key Program of National Natural Science Fund, etc. He has won the first, second and third-class prizes of National Science and Technology Progress Awards, respectively, and a third-class prize of National Technology Invention Awards. He was the first awardee of the Prize “French National Academy of Medicine-Servier”.

As the editor-in-chief, he has authored 33 books on gastroenterology and oncology. As the first or corresponding author, he has published more than seven hundred and twenty-five papers on the international journals (index by SCI), such as Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol, Nat Clin Pract Oncol, Lancet, Gut, etc. He has become the editor or associate editor for 14 international medical journals.

  Copyright @ 2019 China Anti-Cancer Association