Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. The corresponding author is required to ensure that authors are appropriately listed and provide information on the specific contributions each author has made to the article. The manuscript’s content and its submission for publication should be approved by all authors. Contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgments section. Please be aware that all communication during the submission and publishing process will be sent to the corresponding author. In cases with co-corresponding authors, a primary one must be designated as the point of contact responsible for all communication and will be listed firstly.
Author Misconduct
CACA journals have an obligation to ensure that their published articles are accurate and adheres to the highest ethical standards. In the cases of plagiarism, redundant or duplicate publication, data/image reuse, manipulation, or falsification, the journal will send a letter of reprimand to the authors’ institution, publish a notice of misconduct and formally retract the published manuscript.
Animal Studies
The welfare of animals used for research must be respected. Animal experiments should abide by the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals. For primary research manuscripts in CACA journals reporting experiments on animals, the authors must confirm that all experiments were performed in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. Manuscripts must include a statement in materials and methods section that the research has been reviewed and approved by institutional ethical committee before conduction.
Human Studies
Experiments on human subjects should follow the Helsinki Declaration (as revised in 2013) and should be approved by an ethics committee. Concerning privacy and/or security of personal information, informed consents and permissions must be obtained in regard to case details, personal information, and/or images used. When reporting studies that involve human participants, authors should include a statement that the studies have been approved by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee and have been conducted in accordance with Declaration of Helsinki. For manuscripts reporting biomedical research involving human subjects, a statement that the informed consent was obtained from each subject is required. If the study is a clinical trial, the trial must be registered in an appropriate registry prior to the start of the trial. Authors should provide Identifier in the manuscript.
Informed Consent Policy
For all research involving human subjects, informed consent should be obtained from participants or their legal guardian and a statement to this effect should appear in the manuscript. Informed consent must comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning the privacy and/or security of personal information. Patients' names, initials, social security numbers, dates of birth or other personal or identifying information should not be used. Images of patients should not be used unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and explicit permission has been given as part of the consent. Identifying details should be omitted if they are not essential.
Exclusive Submission
Manuscripts are considered for review only if no part of the work has been previously published in print or electronically. Previous publication of an abstract in the proceedings of meetings does not preclude whole manuscript submission for publication, but full disclosure should be made. At submission, the corresponding author is responsible to attest that themanuscript, in whole or in part, is not under consideration, in press, or published in any other publication or electronic medium.
Conflict of Interest
Contict of interest exists when an author (or the author’s institution), reviewer, or editor has any financial or personal relationships that may inappropriately influence (bias) his or her actions. We require all authors to disclose any relationship that might result in an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest about the manuscript submitted for review. Reviewers and editors should also disclose all relationships that may undermine the credibility of the publication process.
Copyright and Permissions
If a manuscript includes copyrighted materials of others, authors must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and indicate the sources in the article. The written permission should be simultaneously submitted with the manuscript.
The identity of the reviewer is anonymous to the author. Reviewers should keep confidentiality of the work in the paper reviewed. Any use or distribution of the manuscript is not allowed. Reviewers should not contact the authors of the paper on any questions about the manuscript.
Embargo Policy
Scientific information in a manuscript which is under consideration or in press in CACA publications may not be discussed with the media before publication. Preliminary reporting to public media, governmental agencies, or manufacturers should not jeopardize publication, and should be discussed with and approved by the editor in advance.
Some of CACA journals are free to the audience. All accepted articles of these journals are archived as open access documents. Please visit the homepage of the journal you are interested in for more information.
Corrections to articles after online publication will only be made for errors that compromise the scientific record, such as a mistake in an author’s name, or that substantially impact the meaning or interpretation of the data but that do not compromise the overall results or conclusions of the article. A correction should be published as soon as reasonably possible.
Retractions refer to an article in its entirety that is the result of a pervasive error, nonreproducible research, scientific misconduct, or duplicate publication. In instances of retraction due to misconduct, the corresponding author’s institute and funding agency will be notified, according to COPE guidelines (
Editorial Expressions of Concern
Editors may consider issuing an Editorial Expression of Concern if they have well-founded concerns and feel that readers should be made aware of potentially misleading information contained in an article.Scenarios in which Editorial Expressions of Concern may be published include prolonged investigations of very complex cases and when the concerns may have a significant and immediate impact on public health or public policy. An Editorial Expression of Concern may be superseded by a subsequent Correction or Retraction, but will remain part of the permanent published record.