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The opening ceremony of the 29th National Cancer Week & China Cancer Day was successfully held in Tianjin
2023-04-15 22:27

In the morning of 15, April, 2023, the opening ceremony of the 29th National Cancer Week & China Cancer Day was successfully held in Tianjin Gymnasium, Tianjin. The ceremony was organized by the China Anti-Cancer Association (CACA) and co-organized by the Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital (TMUCIH), CACA's Committee of Science Popularization of Cancer Prevention and Treatment,and Tianjin Anti-Cancer Association (TACA). Hundreds of media participated in the live broadcast, and the total number of online audiences reached 61.68 million.

The opening ceremony on-site

The 29th National Cancer Week is from April 15th to 21st, 2023. Its theme is "Everyone knows CACA guidelines for Holistic Integrative Management of Cancer (CACA Guidelines)". Academician Daiming Fan, President of CACA, Academician Xishan Hao, Honorary President of CACA, Mr. Xudong Wang, Deputy Secretary General of Tianjin Municipal People's Government, Mr. Shuangying Lu, Deputy Secretary General of Tianjin Association for Science and Technology, Mr. Yan'an Luo, Deputy Director of Tianjin Municipal Education Commission, Mr. Jian Wan, Deputy Director of Tianjin Municipal Health Commission, Mr. Jianguo Liu, Vice President of Tianjin Medical University, Prof. Wei Lu and Prof. Ying Wang, Vice Presidents of CACA, Prof. Jihui Hao, President of TACA, and Mr. Yong Zhao, Secretary General of CACA attended the ceremony.

Academician Daiming Fan presented the welcome speech first. He emphasized that the concept of holistic integrative medicine plays a critical role in cancer prevention and treatment. CACA organized 13,000 leading experts to compile the first CACA guidelines in one year, and it is the focus of the National Cancer Week this year. During this week, CACA will hold advocacy campaigns in China to disseminate knowledge and information related to cancer to the public and increase social awareness.


Academician Daiming Fan, President of CACA, delivered the welcome speech

Prof. Jihui Hao mentioned that the incidence of cancer becomes higher and higher in today's world, and cancer has become the first leading cause of death which seriously affects people's happiness and normal life. TMUCIH has responded to the call of CACA by enhancing the early screening and diagnosis of cancer and launching various science popularization activities.


Prof. Jihui Hao, President of TMUCIH, gave a speech

Mr. Bin Gu, Director General of the Department of Science Popularization of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), delivered his speech online. He stated that the National Cancer Week has become the largest and most influential science popularization activity on cancer in China. CAST will support and participate in the series of campaigns held by CACA as always to continuously increase the public awareness on health.


Mr. Bin Gu, Director General of CAST’s Department of Science Popularization delivered a speech

Mr. Xudong Wang demonstrated that Tianjin Municipal People's Government attaches great importance on cancer prevention and treatment. CACA Guidelines is a major initiative of CACA to promote cancer prevention and treatment. Hospitals and medical colleges should learn the latest theories and techniques of cancer control to bring the cancer prevention and treatment in Tianjin to a new level.

Mr. Xudong Wang, Deputy Secretary General of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, gave a speech

The anti-cancer associations, medical institutions, universities, enterprises, and rehabilitation organizations in different provinces will jointly carry out free medical consultations, lectures, touring interpretations and other activities to share the correct concepts and practical methods of cancer prevention and treatment with the public, so as to contribute to the cancer control in China and the world.


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