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2008-10-07 02:58  稿源:中国抗癌协会


 上海交通大学肿瘤研究所流行病学研究室 徐望红



  The role of menstrual and reproductive factors in the incidence of breast cancer in Chinese women, a report from the Shanghai Women’s Health Study

  [Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the influence of changes in menstrual and reproductive pattern among Chinese women on the temporal trend of breast cancer incidence, we compared the menstrual and reproductive characteristics and incidence rate of breast cancer in different birth cohorts, and examined the associations of menstrual and reproductive factors with the risk of breast cancer in each subgroups using data collected in a population-based cohort study of Chinese women. Methods: The Shanghai Women’s Health Study (SWHS) is a large-scale prospective cohort study of 73,321 women at age 40 to 70 years (birth years from 1926 to 1960) at the time of recruitment (September 1996 and May 2000). All study participants completed a baseline questionnaire, which included detailed information on menstrual and reproductive history. Breast cancer cases were identified by contacting subjects every two years and by record linkage with database of the Shanghai Cancer Registry each year, and were confirmed by medical history review and pathological slides collection. Cox regression model was employed to estimate the hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) related to reproductive factors in the overall set and different birth cohorts. Results: As of the end of 2006, 664 breast cancer cases were confirmed after an average of 8.00 years of follow-up (581,838 person-years of observation). We grouped these women into seven birth cohorts and found that, compared with older birth cohorts, younger birth cohorts had earlier age at menarche, later age at natural menopause, later age at marriage and delivery, longer interval between menarche and first live birth, fewer number of pregnancies and live births, shorter period of lactation and higher age-specific incidence rates of breast cancer. Earlier menarche age, fewer childbirths, later age at first live birth, longer interval between menarche and first live birth, shorter period of lactation and use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) were associated with increased risk of breast cancer after adjusting for age. Further mutual adjustment attenuated or diminished the associations, remaining number of live birth, age at first live birth, interval between menarche and first birth and HRT as independent risk factors for the disease in the whole cohort. Stratified analysis by birth cohort observed different association patterns among later and earlier birth cohort. While a significantly inverse association was observed for ever having a live birth and number of childbirths in 1926-40’s birth cohort, a does-response relationship was observed for age at first birth and interval between menarche and first birth among 1941-50’s birth cohort. Breastfeeding was linked to the cancer risk only among 1951-60’s birth cohort. These menstrual and reproductive factors generally contributed more to incidence of breast cancer in later than in earlier birth cohort. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the changes in menstrual and reproductive pattern among Chinese women along birth cohorts may explain some of the increase in breast cancer incidence in this population.

· 第五届中国肿瘤学术大会一等奖论文摘要(二)
· 第五届中国肿瘤学术大会一等奖论文摘要(三)
· 第五届中国肿瘤学术大会一等奖论文摘要(四)

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